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Secure your customers

A Better Way to Authenticate

Enhancing security while improving the customer experience


About Dr. Adam Lowe
Dr. Adam Lowe is the Chief Product & Innovation Officer at CompoSecure, where he leads a dedicated team of engineers and technicians focused on new product development, process innovation, and prototype design.

Join our Chief Product and Innovation Officer, Dr. Adam Lowe, on the Power Panel

Dr. Adam Lowe will be joining a panel of other banking executives from ING, Lloyds Banking Group and ABN AMRO Bank to discuss the human perspective of digital transformation and the opportunity to build relationships in a new way. They will discuss AI, Cloud, overcoming legacy systems and more for a better customer experience.

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"Fraud is rising across the globe. Protect & elevate your customer experience with just a tap."

Join us for an exclusive session about the rise in fraud with our Chief Product & Innovation Officer


Streamlined Authentication for Financial Services

Learn how one metal card can enable payment and increase account security for a best-in-class customer experience that:

  • Helps reduce fraud
  • Prevents account takeovers
  • Increases customer acquisition
  • Generates top of wallet success
  • Reinforces your brand

Date and Time: Wednesday, 28th of February at 9:40AM

Location: General Session Stage


Battling AI-Powered Fraud and Enhancing Customer Experience

With fraud affecting millions and costing companies billions each year, fraud prevention and enhanced user authentication is required to keep businesses competitive and solvent. While consumers seek security measures that simplify rather than complicate their lives.

The Forbes report underscores Arculus AuthenticateTM  as the premier authentication solution for the financial and fintech sectors, combining unparalleled security with the convenience today's consumers expect, thereby enhancing brand trust, loyalty and satisfaction.


Increase their spend on FIDO authentication.


Increase their spend on multi-factor authentication.


Increase their spend on passwordless authentication.


Financial Institutions and Banks Plan to:

"Fintechs and financial institutions should implement FIDO2 authentication, like Arculus Authenticate, to protect their customers’ sensitive data and provide an easier, more secure customer experience. 

Customers want to trust companies that handle their digital assets and information. With Arculus, we take security seriously. 

It is part of our DNA."


Dr. Adam Lowe

Chief Product and Innovation Officer, CompoSecure

Combat AI-Powered Fraud

Proactive measures are crucial to combat emerging threats like AI-powered fraud and social engineering, highlighting the need for continuous innovation in security strategies.


  • 54% are contending with AI-powered fraud
  • 50% with phishing attacks
  • 38% with social engineering

Projections for one year from now indicate a substantial shift to 69%, 44% and 45% respectively.

Enjoy additional insights from the full Forbes Report

Download the report and request a demo for Arculus Authenticate today.

Arculus by CompoSecure teamed up with the Forbes Insights team to survey C-Level Executives across banking and financial institutions.

This research has uncovered the need to:

  • Address password problems

  • Create better security protocols for customers

  • Improve the customer experience

Passwordless authentication and passkeys are hot topics, but the question remains:

Is seamless integration of cutting-edge, user-friendly authentication solutions within reach?


79% of respondents state customer experience is top of mind as they design new security protocols.


200 Business Leaders in Financial Services

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